Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!

So it's the time of year for reflecting on the past year.  We put together an album of our favorite pictures from this past year. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Fall 2012 Photos

We're on a roll...three posts in one day!  Here are some fall 2012 photos:

Thanksgiving 2012 Photos

I absolutely love Thanksgiving!  This year Peter and Heidi O'Neill made the trek up here to the cold Minnesnowta tundra, and we had a super time hanging out with them.  Photos are up on Facebook:

Somewhat recent videos

It's been a really long time since we've gotten any videos up here.  So I put all the recentish videos into a play list:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Recent trip to Michigan

We're in Michigan inbetween trips to Chicago and Indiana.   While here, Timothy had some quality time with Grandpa O'Neill playing on the slide in the church playground.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Recent videos

Box hat!

Opening his Easter present

Reading his new Jesus Love You book

Trip to Lutsen Videos

I'm trying to do more frequent, updates with fewer videos.  Here are some videos from our Lutsen trip

Ann asks me to describe what we're doing

The rest of our family with us on the hike

Some sort of recent videos

David and Timothy playing on the couch

Playing on the playhouse

Friday, April 6, 2012

Trip to Lutsen

A few weeks back, we went up for a ski weekend to Lutsen.  We had this planned for a while, and the lodging was non-refundable, so the warm weather didn't prevent us from going.  We had to adjust plans a bit, but we had a very good time.

Here are some of the photo highlights:

Riding the gondola 

Lunch at the Lodge

It was about 70

Given how warm it was, we went on hikes the other two days.

The whole crew

Grandma O'Neill and Timothy overlooking Temperance River

Getting a ride with Grandpa

Lunch break overlooking Lake Superior

The Lake in the distance

Lots to look at

David Ebert overlooking the falls

Timothy looking down the cliff at the falls below

The ice in the river was very clear

Nap time

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring photos

A few pictures

Timothy and Ada hanging out.

Hard to believe this was less than 2 weeks ago.  (Taken on Sunday, March 4)

Timothy helps daddy sweep up after his (Daddy's) haricut.

Ann getting ready to paint the trim outside our garage.  First weekend of warm spring weather.

March 12th.  8 days after the snow picture.  Timothy having a wonderful time playing outside.  This was really the first time he enjoyed playing outside after learning how to walk, since he doesn't like the feeling of wearing boots.

Timothy wearing a 'hat.'  He started putting this on himself like a hat and laughing about it.

Friday, February 17, 2012

One year photo shoot

One year photo shoot.  

When Timothy turned 1 about a month ago, we hired our friend Natika Nichols to get some photos for us.  Timothy cooperated as well as you could a 1 year old to.  Here are some of the best of the pictures:

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Best of 2011 photo dump

Here are some of the best photos from this past year.

FYI: Captions appear when you point your mouse at a photo.

Christmas in Michigan video dump

Over Christmas, we spent about a week in Michigan at my (David's) parent's house visiting with family there.   Below of some of the videos that were taken.  Caleb and Timothy had a good time playing with each other as much as one-year-olds are able. It was wonderful to have everyone together.

Timothy and Caleb playing with their new walker toys that GG (Great Grandma McClure) got them for Christmas.

Sometimes, you just have to be a little silly to get that photo you want.  This was one of those times.

Even though he is walking on his own, Timothy still believes walking with someone is far superior. 

Caleb was born on Christmas, and Timothy was born on Jan 9th.  As such, they celebrated a combined birthday while we were in Michigan.  Here, they are playing together with some of their new toys.

Singing that good ol' song.

Timothy and Grandma O walking his alligator toy around the house.

Timothy working the crowd at dinner.

"Here's another video of our baby walking!"  Yeah, we're those parents now.

Timothy walking to Mommy.