Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pre-Christmas video dump

As with all our videos, these have been uploaded in high-def for those with high speed internet access or lots of patience.

Timothy hanging out with Great Grandma McClure.

Timothy works the crowd with his mad Peak-a-boo skills.

Yeah, this video isn't very exciting, but buying beef 70lbs at a time is.

Timothy playing with old magazines in our living room.

Practicing for  upcoming walking.

Learning how to turn.

Figuring out his world.

Out in the leaves.

Tromping around.

High fives with Grandpa Ebert.

Game of SO BIG with Mommy.

First unsupported steps.

WALKING!  This video is from just a few days ago.

Somehow, I missed this video, which is a crime, since it's one of my favorites from this batch.  Chronologically, this should go just before the WALKING! video, as it takes place about a week ago.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Photo Dump

Hanging out with Daddy

Food is AWESOME!

Catching up on the news

Ada in her turtle costume

Timothy the Lion

Fall Fun

Photos of Timothy from about 8-10 months old.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Video dump

Timothy playing on our keyboard

Cleaning up after dinner: Aunt Carol style!

Aunt Carol singing with Timothy

Eating with spoons.

Timothy exploring my bookshelf

Timothy laughing.

More videos to come as soon as I get them uploaded.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Video dump

I know we are really behind on posting both updates and videos.  This will get us caught up on all the latest videos anyway.  Note: all of these videos are uploaded in high def, so if you want to see more details, jump over to youtube (click the youtube logo in the bottom left), and change it from 360p to 1080p.

First up, here is Timothy with his Great Grandma McClure and Grandma O'Neill in St Joseph.  This was taken on his 5 month birthday (June 9th).

Next up, here is Timothy with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa O'Neill at our house in MN.  This is from June 23rd.

On July 18th, Timothy helped Peter and Heidi get ready for their upcoming wedding.

The next day, Peter put on a concert for his two nephews. 

July 29th, Timothy is hanging out at home, being cute.

On August 14th, Timothy looking awkward as he strives to get that toy that was just out of reach.

Timothy eating some yogurt.  Sort of.  This was from September 11th.

On September 13th, Timothy shows off his climbing skills.

Sept 16th, just hanging out.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Here are some pictures from Timothy's 6 month photo shoot.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Ada's new tricks

As part of her recent doggy obedience class, Ada learned two new tricks. We had to choose one captured action. A captured action is taking a behavior she does on her own, and train her to do it on command. We choose stretch for that.

For the other trick, we taught her "Fetch your toy and put it in the basket."

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hospital stay

This past Wednesday, Timothy was a little out of sorts in the morning. Usually, morning is his happy, smiley time. However, this Wednesday, Timothy was unhappy all morning, coughing and grunting. Ann took his temperature in the afternoon, which was about 100. After looking around to try and find a clinic that was in-network (our insurance changed on April 1st), Ann took Timothy in to a near-by urgent care clinic. At the clinic, Timothy's temperature was taken at 102 and they urged us to take him into the ER. Once in the hospital, they checked him for a bunch of different things, without finding a reason for the fever. The last check (for bacterial meningitis) takes 48 to finalize the results. He was admitted to the hospital, so they could start him on antibiotics.

Bacterial meningitis can be very serious for young children (today is Timothy's 3 month birthday). It is a low probability, high risk situations: it's unlikely that his fever was caused by bacterial meningitis, but if that was the cause, it is very scary. The last couple days were spent in the hospital, getting antibiotics and recovering. Tylenol kept the fever down, and it was back to normal by yesterday afternoon. The antibiotics have given him some diarrhea that will hopefully dissipate in the next couple days.

We got the culture results back this morning, and we were discharged from the hospital. Ann and Timothy both took a long nap when we got home. Timothy has been much more himself today compared to the past couple days. We're blessed that Timothy is starting to sleep on his own in his swing occasionally. We're also blessed that this happened on a weekend that David's Dad was in town. And we're very blessed that Timothy is healing well :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Recent Videos of Timothy

We're finally getting around to adding some more recent videos. Sorry this is a big dump. (These are posted in chronological order)

First up is Timothy meeting Grandma and Grandpa O'Neill for the first time

Timothy laying in Ann's lap

Tummy Time, with interjection by Ada

Happy Timothy. (If you only watch one movie, this should probably be it)

Timothy on Dad's lap

Recent Discovery

Tummy Time - new trick

That's it for new videos.

Things are going well around here. Timothy continues to be Mr Smiles first thing in the morning. Ada's learning to put her toys in a bucket and to stretch on command.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Our Little Twins Fan

Okay...here's the real reason we actually motivated to start this blog...

Timothy will hold on to things that we put into his hands.
Post-game nap.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Welcome to the Pack's blog

Sometimes when we leave our house we tell our dog, Ada, that her pack will be back soon, so she won't worry.

Ada was named after Ada Lovelace who is widely regarded as the first computer programmer.